About OOO
Order of Operations aims to take the mystery & fear out of a major topic that impacts us today: digital security. What’s typically jargon thrown around by geeky nerds is actually easier to understand than you might think.
Through conversations with regular people — and the occasional industry expert - this podcast will shed light on some of the more complex topics of digital life.
Who we are
+ Travis Theune is an Operations Engineer with over two decades of IT and digital security experience. Through his professional career he’s programmed satellites, built out large scale secure infrastructure and helped the world see more cats on the internet. But the one question that always comes up at parties is, “What makes a good password?” Hence the podcast was born.
+ Schmoo is a creative, writer and visual artist with a previous life in cancer research and content marketing. She loves running Order of Operations’ digital presence and is happy to chat about geeky things as a stand-in for the everyday human.